Our programmes are funded by Central Government and European Funding, secured through competitive bids. Programmes are primarily delivered by the local Unitary Authorities, Swindon Borough Council and Wiltshire Council; revenue
contracts are delivered by local partners.
Business Cyber Centre
The Business Cyber Centre combines world class resource, innovation and opportunity to deliver an ecosystem aimed to supporting and enabling safer growth of UK business.
Swindon and Wiltshire Cyber Cluster is a group of cyber security SME's, aiming to support its members through communicating National and International initiatives and trade opportunities.
The Swindon and Wiltshire Careers Hub is a collaborative network of schools, colleges and other partners, focussed on sharing best practice in careers education to improve outcomes for young people. Read more here…
The Growing Places Infrastructure Fund (GPIF) is an £12.17m loan fund, providing investments to companies in Swindon and Wiltshire to use towards capital elements of projects. Find out more here..
Better Business for All (BBfA) is a national government initiative that brings together businesses and regulators in partnership to improve how local regulation is delivered, easing the burden on business and reducing regulatory barriers to growth.