Swindon and Wiltshire Local Economic Partnership has published it's Swindon and Wiltshire Local Economic Assessment 2023 in partnership with Hatch.
This Local Economic Assessment (LEA) outlines the current economic position of Swindon and Wiltshire, based on the latest available data. It will be used to inform future needs and policy decisions that will impact residents and businesses in the LEP area.
The Local Economic Assessment offers a comprehensive overview of the most significant economic, social, and environmental indicators for the area including:
+ Output and productivity: considering the absolute and relative position of the LEP area in terms of itsnet contribution to the UK economy (in GVA terms) while also examining the output contribution(goods and services made) per worker to allow for an estimation of productivity in Swindon and Wiltshire.
+ Business and sectors: examining Swindon and Wiltshire’s business competitiveness and the importance of six key priority sectors.
+ People and labour market: exploring demographic composition and labour market and skills supply to support inclusive economic growth.
+ Socio- economic issues: in order for the people of Swindon and Wiltshire to reach their economic potential it is important to consider what barriers may be inhibiting life chances. This section of the report examines inequalities in the labour market, deprivation indicators, social mobility and poverty.
+ Infrastructure and environment: considering the provision of enabling infrastructure to support thee demands of a modern economy through an examination of digital connectivity and the provision of housing and commercial property. The report also considers sustainable growth through consideration of emissions, waste, and energy production.
+ Ongoing and future socio-economic challenges: current concerns around constrained labour supply, prompted by various factors including BREXIT and labour market changes prompted by COVID-19 will likely present challenges for the LEP area as will ongoing inflationary pressure and the impacts of international supply chain disruptions caused by the ongoing war in Ukraine.
The LEA benchmarks Swindon and Wiltshire against the South West and England in addition to a number of neighbouring LEP areas. Localised analysis of the two local authorities within the LEP area is provided alongside three Growth Zones and one non-growth Zone which covers the rural area.
The full report can be found here.