
Skills & Talent Subgroup Meeting - 13 September 20...
SWLEP Skills & Talent Subgroup Meeting for 13 September 2023
Innovation and Economic Growth Showcased at Summit
A review of the 2018 Business Growth Summit organised by the Swindon & Wiltshire Local Enterprise Pa...
We're Recruiting a Careers Hub Lead
Are you the person to lead the delivery of effective careers education in Swindon & Wiltshire?
Digisheds Launched to Tackle Digital Skills Gap
Swindon & Wiltshire Announced as ‘Careers Hub’ to ...
Swindon & Wiltshire will become one of 20 Career Hubs in England to help transform careers education...
Swindon & Wiltshire Business Growth Summit
Save the Date - 4th October 2018 - The Swindon & Wiltshire Business Growth Summit @ The Longhouse, L...
£80million Fund to Help SMEs Engage In Apprentices...
Chancellor Philip Hammond announces £80 million worth of funding will be made available to support s...
Local Employers Urged to Rethink Apprenticeships