The Government’s Industrial Strategy white paper sets out a long-term plan to boost the productivity and earning power of people throughout the UK. Local Enterprise Partnerships have been tasked with leading the development of Local Industrial Strategies.
Paddy Bradley Director of the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), said:
"The Industrial Strategy focuses on improving infrastructure, developing skills and creating a supportive environment in which businesses can flourish. The Swindon & Wiltshire LEP embraces and supports this."
"Swindon and Wiltshire is home to world-leading sectors including life sciences, low carbon energy technologies including hydrogen, advanced engineering in aerospace & robotics, innovation in science & defence technologies and cyber security.”
"Our five strategic economic objectives: skills and talent; transport infrastructure; digital capability; place shaping; and business development closely align with the foundations of productivity of the Industrial Strategy.”
"We are committed to working in partnership with the Government to deliver the Industrial Strategy, developing our world-leading sectors to promote growth and investment, drive productivity improvements and address skills shortages.”
We are pleased that the Industrial Strategy affirms the Government’s commitment to Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), Growth Hubs and the important role they play in delivering business support in the local economy.”